Total Medals Earned: 746 (From
136 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 11,145 Points
Dying can be a very disorienting experience. Good thing there's a tutorial conversation!
Find your first host and possess it.
Talk to every person in the hotel at least once, as anyone.
Possess everyone in the hotel at least once. Except for the guy on the toilet, he doesn't count.
Narrow the list of suspects down to one. The end is near!
Talk to everyone in the hotel as Orvall.
Sarah was right
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Get your first Arcane Spell
Look, up in the sky!
Destroy 100 enemy projectiles
Kill 100 enemies
You killed Gobu! You bastard!
in cold cash
in cold cash.
Stun 500 enemies
Get all Arcane Spells
Freeze 500 enemies
Burn 500 enemies
Bag o' bones
Destroy 500 enemy projectiles
Defeat king Gobu with no damage to the crystal
Upgrade all your runes
Get all of Lucrea's skills
in cold cash
Defeat Bonelord with no damage to the crystal
Slay a thousand
Finish the game
Kill a hundred dragons
in cold cash
Defeat the greedling with no damage to the crystal
in cold seven digits
Oh my god... You broke the game.
Slay 10k
This makes you awesome.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Defeat the Drunk Father
Defeat the Neighborhood Owner
Find the place to take a rest
Defeat the Best Fighter
Defeat the Trashcan Lover
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Completed the first level
Complete 10 levels
Complete 5 levels
Complete all levels
Got your freedom.
Found Dave
Found Monoko
Beat Room 5
Get the bad ending
Complete Expert Room 1
Complete Expert Room 2
Get the good ending
Obtain all 19 grapefruits
Beat Time Trial Run in under 4 minutes